
Door Cup & Door Edge Guards Installations

  • Before installing your clear door protection kit, be sure to clean and remove any wax or grease from behind your door handles. This film needs to be applied to a clean surface for proper adhesion. If you do not clean the area thoroughly, this film will not adhere properly and might fail.
  • Using a large spray bottle, fill with water and 2-3 drops of liquid soap. Make sure to shake spray bottle thoroughly. Spray door cups behind handles, then spray your hands before removing film from backing. Carefully peel door cup from backing and spray adhesive side. Place film behind door handle and align film with shape of door cups. Cut outs in film should be aligned behind door handles. Press down the center of the film, and push out excess water from the center towards the edges. Lift one corner of film at a time if necessary to get a smooth, bubble free application. You can use just your fingers to complete this or a soft microfiber cloth. If the film bunches or creases, simply lift and smooth from center outward toward film edges, always making sure to keep your hands wet with soap and water mixture. Keep pressing film down until it no longer lifts and adheres to your vehicle. Allow approximately two weeks for any small bubbles or haziness to disappear.
  • Door edge guards should be applied in the same manor. Prep door edges first before applying film. It will not be necessary to use soap and water mixture to install door edge guards. Peel backing off of film approximately 1” and place adhesive side of film at top of door edge. Make sure to press down firmly. Keep removing the backing and pressing film down along door edge until you reach the bottom. Wrap film around edge of door and press down until secure. Using your microfiber cloth or fingers, press film down one final time starting from top to bottom.

Installation 1Installation 2